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How does your brand make people feel?

How does your brand make people feel? How does your brand make people feel?

So there’s something I want to clarify about when it comes to investing money in a product.

Very often we will look at a price of something and say, “I can’t afford that”, when (as my friend Jane quite rightly pointed out to me) what we really mean is, “I can’t justify it.” or “I’d rather spend less than that, because i don’t see the value in spending more on it.”

Example: We go through a *lot* of frozen fruit in our house; we use it for breakfast smoothies & smoothie bowls. Sometimes there are three of us blending smoothies in the morning.

So, I have been on the search for a company that offers a good price for frozen fruit. My daughter sent me a link to a company that had good prices. I liked what they had to offer, there were no bells & whistles but there prices were good so I added some things to basket. And then found that all the money I will be saving on buying this in bulk, is actually added back on in the delivery price.

I decided not to buy from them.

What’s interesting about this story is that this morning, I went to my local supermarket to do a quick rush-shop of things I’d run out of. And a packet of frozen fruits. caught my eye. What was different about this packet? Let’s break it down:

  1. The packaging is divine. It’s so sexy & appealing. It’s truly been branded within an inch of its life, and the effort was not lost on me.

  2. It’s got a cute name. It’s not just saying “ I am fruit. I am packaged in a factory. Buy me”. It’s encouraging me to “shake it”. It gets me & it knows that i want to make smoothies every morning with minimal effort.

  3. If I want to, I can find them on Instagram, or via their website. They make this easy for me by giving me the information on the front of the bag.

  4. They have instructions of how to make a smoothie. “Add two cubes of ice. Add 20 ml of water or milk. Add your daily mix and stick it in a blender” It’s not I don’t know how to do it but I love the cute little instruction panel on the side and i kind of feel like we are in this ‘smoothie life’ together

  5. They package their fruits according to days of the week. So today is Thursday, therefor I need to be grabbing my banana and date mix. It’s making the decision for me, hence making my life that bit easier. Thank you ‘Shake It’ fruit people.

  6. When you open up the packet, it gets more exciting. First of all it’s resealable.Than you for noticing how annoying it is to hack open a bag with a knife and then peg it closed again. Secondly, the fruit is portioned. So you open up the bag, and there are little individual bags inside.

All in all, this bag of fruit a game changer for me. I did not even look at the price, after having been so finickity on the website (where the fruit wasn’t sexy. )This bag totally caught my eye & hooked me in the more I explored it. And I bought without even knowing what it costs. Because I saw the value in it. This product understood me. It was invested in the process & the experience of buying from beginning to end. It made me feel things; excitement, comfort, belonging. All very subtle feelings but they are all there under the surface.

Have you ever wondered about how your brand makes people feel, from beginning to end? Something to think about, hey?

the sexy fruit

{the sexy fruit}


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