Do you have days when you wake up & have allll the ideas?
And then moments when you question why on earth you turned your hobby into a business?
Days when everything clicks into place & you feel on top of the world?
And then times when you kick yourself for having left your very secure 9-5 job?
Well congratulations my friend and a very warm welcome to the club of Being an Entrepreneur!!
When you had this initial idea for your business, it was most probably this lovely, shiny looking pipe-dream, and some days you really get a handle on it too!
But then, there are other days where you feel so overwhelmed by the path you’ve chosen & by how it turned out to be so much more than you bargained for.
You realise how much time & money you have to invest, how much of yourself you have to give, how uncomfortable it can feel to be constantly marketing and selling yourself.
Oh & there’s so much competition!
The market feels so saturated.
You feel like you have to shout so loud to be heard.
You feel overcome with self doubt, you feel lost in the crowd & you start to question your decisions.
There is so much to unpack here but for now, I want you to start by asking yourself this ONE QUESTION:
What is my Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?
What is the 1 thing that sets me apart and makes me stand out from the competition?
Why is my product or service different/special?
What do I bring to the table?
What problem do I/does my product solve?
It is so important to the foundation of your business that you know this. Like, deep in your soul kind of knowing.
Think about it - if you don't know what makes you unique, how can you expect your ideal clients to figure it out? You're the expert on your business, and it's your job to shine a spotlight on what sets you apart with a strong USP.
Now, I’m not saying it will be easy to figure out, I’m not promising it will come to you like a lightbulb moment when you have your morning shower tomorrow…
But start by asking yourself this crucial question and seeing what comes up for you.Once you have that clear, you can go ahead and have a go at crafting your USP. There are many ways to do this, but I am giving you my favorite one: I help [ideal clients] to [INSERT DESIRED OUTCOME 1] without [INSERT SOMETHING THEY MAY BE FEARFUL ABOUT] or [INSERT SOMETHING ELSE THEY MAY BE FEARFUL ABOUT] and help them [INSERT DESIRED OUTCOME 2] so they can [INSERT DESIRED TRANSFORMATION] Remember, while using this formula, keep the final USP concise and easy to understand. You might need to refine and simplify it after your initial draft to ensure it's memorable and impactful.
Once you know how to define your USP, other pieces will start to fall into place, you will gain so much clarity on your unique brand & you will finally start to stand out in the minds of your target audience.
When you're crystal clear on your USP, you give your dream clients the roadmap to find you in that crowded market. It's like handing them a map with a big red X marking your spot among all the noise.
So, take the time to dig deep and uncover your unique magic.
Your future clients are out there, searching for exactly what you offer. Don't keep them guessing – show them what makes you one-of-a-kind and watch as they gravitate towards your unmistakable brand! Ps: Want to have a 30 min, no strings attached call? Sure thing! Book in here