I know that using ‘SEO’ and ‘optimise’ in the same sentence is enough to make people run for the hills, but bear with me because I feel a lightbulb moment or two, coming up really soon. I don’t know how you pick your topics when you post to social media but here is a novel idea💡:
Create posts for you social media platforms, based on topics that your audience want to hear about! Having even the vaguest SEO strategy when selecting your topics to post about on social media, can only benefit you in the long-term. Ok but how to figure out what your audience want to hear about?! Of course you could ask them but from my experience, when you put up a post saying “what do you want me to post about?”, unless you are Brené Brown, the answers don’t always tend to flood in. So, my suggestion is this ( I wish you could see how excited I am about this. But you cant. You will just have to trust me): Let’s say you are a nutritionist; you feel like you are repeating yourself with your posts & not quite hitting the mark. Off you trot to www.answerthepublic.com You type the word ’nutrition’ into the search bar and BOOM! You have 80 brand new ideas of things to write about. What kind of results did I get when I searched ‘nutrition’? – here are the first 8 results that came back (they all come from the column of results that start with ‘are’:) ❓are nutrition labels accurate ❓are nutrition facts for cooked or uncooked ❓are nutrition labels required ❓are nutrition bars healthy ❓are nutrition shakes healthy ❓are nutrition stores open ❓are nutrition classes hard ❓are nutrition shakes good for you Now, out of those 80 results, some of them aren’t going to be any good for you BUT some of them will spark fireworks and aha moments in your brain. Get.your.pen.and.paper.ready…✨
How to Optimise your Blog Post Titles How to Optimise your Blog Post Titles